Latency from post-quantum cryptography shrinks as data increases

Using time to last byte — rather than time to first byte — to assess the effects of data-heavy TLS 1.3 on real-world connections yields more encouraging results.

The risk that a quantum computer might break cryptographic standards widely used today has ignited numerous efforts to standardize quantum-resistant algorithms and introduce them into transport encryption protocols like TLS 1.3. The choice of post-quantum algorithm will naturally affect TLS 1.3’s performance. So far, studies of those effects have focused on the “handshake time” required for two parties to establish a quantum-resistant encrypted connection, known as the time to first byte.

Although these studies have been important in quantifying increases in handshake time, they do not provide a full picture of the effect of post-quantum cryptography on real-world TLS 1.3 connections, which often carry sizable amounts of data. At the 2024 Workshop on Measurements, Attacks, and Defenses for the Web (MADweb), we presented a paper advocating time to last byte (TTLB) as a metric for assessing the total impact of data-heavy, quantum-resistant algorithms such as ML-KEM and ML-DSA on real-world TLS 1.3 connections. Our paper shows that the new algorithms will have a much lower net effect on connections that transfer sizable amounts of data than they do on the TLS 1.3 handshake itself.

Post-quantum cryptography

TLS 1.3, the latest version of the transport layer security protocol, is used to negotiate and establish secure channels that encrypt and authenticate data passing between a client and a server. TLS 1.3 is used in numerous Web applications, including e-banking and streaming media.

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Asymmetric cryptographic algorithms, such as the one used in TLS 1.3, depend for their security on the difficulty of the discrete-logarithm or integer factorization problems, which a cryptanalytically relevant quantum computer could solve efficiently. The US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has been working on standardizing quantum-resistant algorithms and has selected ML-Key Encapsulation Mechanism (KEM) for key exchange. NIST has also selected ML-DSA for signatures, or cryptographic authentication.

As these algorithms have kilobyte-size public keys, ciphertexts, and signatures — versus the 50- to 400-byte sizes of the existing algorithms — they would inflate the amount of data exchanged in a TLS handshake. A number of works have compared handshake time using traditional TLS 1.3 key exchange and authentication to that using post-quantum (PQ) key exchange and authentication.

These comparisons were useful to quantify the overhead that each new algorithm introduces to the time to first byte, or completion of the handshake protocol. But they ignored the data transfer time over the secure connection that, together with the handshake time, constitutes the total delay before the application can start processing data. The total time from the start of the connection to the end of data transfer is, by contrast, the time to last byte (TTLB). How much TTLB slowdown is acceptable depends highly on the application.


We designed our experiments to simulate various network conditions and measured the TTLB of classical and post-quantum algorithms in TLS 1.3 connections where the client makes a small request and the server responds with hundreds of kilobytes (KB) of data. We used Linux namespaces in a Ubuntu 22.04 virtual-machine instance. The namespaces were interconnected using virtual ethernet interfaces. To emulate the “network” between the namespaces, we used the Linux kernel’s netem utility, which can introduce variable network delays, bandwidth fluctuations, and packet loss between the client and server.

A standard AWS EC2 instance icon (which looks like a stylized integrated circuit) in which a netem emulation is running, with an emulated cloud server (represented by cloud icon) passing data back and forth with a server namespace (represented by a server-stack icon) and a client namespace (represented by a desktop-computer icon).
The experimental setup, with client and server Linux namespaces and netem-emulated network conditions.

Our experiments had several configurable parameters that allowed us to compare the effect of the PQ algorithm on TTLB under stable, unstable, fast, and slow network conditions:

  • TLS key exchange mechanism (classical ECDH or ECDH+ML-KEM post-quantum hybrid)
  • TLS certificate chain size corresponding to classical RSA or ML-DSA certificates.
  • TCP initial congestion window (initcwnd)
  • Network delay between client and server, or round-trip time (RTT)
  • Bandwidth between client and server
  • Loss probability per packet
  • Amount of data transferred from the server to the client


The results of our testing are thoroughly analyzed in the paper. They essentially show that a few extra KB in the TLS 1.3 handshake due to the post-quantum public keys, ciphertexts, and signatures will not be noticeable in connections transferring hundreds of KB or more. Connections that transfer less than 10-20 KB of data will probably be more affected by the new data-heavy handshakes.

PQTLS fig. 1.png
Figure 1: Percentage increase in TLS 1.3 handshake time between traditional and post-quantum TLS 1.3 connections. Bandwidth = 1Mbps; loss probability = 0%, 1%, 3%, and 10%; RTT = 35ms and 200ms; TCP initcwnd=20.
A bar graph whose y-axis is "handshake time % increase" and whose x-axis is a sequence of percentiles (50th, 75th, and 90th). At each percentile are two bars, one blue (for the traditional handshake protocol) and one orange (for post-quantum handshakes). In all three instances, the orange bar is around twice as high as the blue one.

Figure 1 shows the percentage increase in the duration of the TLS 1.3 handshake for the 50th, 75th, and 90th percentiles of the aggregate datasets collected for 1Mbps bandwidth; 0%, 1%, 3%, and 10% loss probability; and 35-millisecond and 200-millisecond RTT. We can see that the ML-DSA size (16KB) certificate chain takes almost twice as much time as the 8KB chain. This means that if we manage to keep the volume of ML-DSA authentication data low, it would significantly benefit the speed of post-quantum handshakes in low-bandwidth connections.

A line graph whose y-axis is the time-to-last-byte (TTLB) percentage increase and whose x-axis is the size of the data files transmitted over the secure connection, ranging from 0 KiB to 200 KiB. There are three lines, representing the 50th, 75th, and 90th percentiles. They start at almost the same value and all drop precipitously from 0 KiB to 50 KiB, continuing to decline from 50 KiB to 200 KiB, with the 90th-percentile line declining slightly more rapidly than the other two.
Figure 2: Percentage increase in TTLB between existing and post-quantum TLS 1.3 connections at 0% loss probability. Bandwidth = 1Gbps; RTT = 35ms; TCP initcwnd = 20.

Figure 2 shows the percentage increase in the duration of the post-quantum handshake relative to the existing algorithm for all percentiles and different data sizes at 0% loss and 1Gbps bandwidth. We can observe that although the slowdown is low (∼3%) at 0 kibibytes (KiB, or multiples of 1,024 bytes, the nearest power of 2 to 1,000) from the server (equivalent to the handshake), it drops even more (∼1%) as the data from the server increases. At the 90th percentile the slowdown is slightly lower.

A line graph whose y-axis is the time-to-last-byte (TTLB) percentage increase and whose x-axis is the size of the data files transmitted over the secure connection, ranging from 0 KiB to 200 KiB. There are three lines, representing the 50th, 75th, and 90th percentiles. They start at exactly the same value and all decline in lockstep, dropping precipitously from 0 KiB to 50 KiB and continuing a steady decline from 50 KiB to 200 KiB.
Figure 3: Percentage increase in TTLB between existing and post-quantum TLS 1.3 connections at 0% loss probability. Bandwidth = 1Mbps; RTT = 200ms; TCP initcwnd = 20.

Figure 3 shows the percentage increase in the TTLB between existing and post-quantum TLS 1.3 connections carrying 0-200KiB of data from the server for each percentile at 1Mbps bandwidth, 200ms RTT, and 0% loss probability. We can see that increases for the three percentiles are almost identical. They start high (∼33%) at 0KiB from the server, but as the data size from the server increases, they drop to ∼6% because the handshake data size is amortized over the connection.

A line graph whose y-axis is the time-to-last-byte (TTLB) percentage increase and whose x-axis is the size of the data files transmitted over the secure connection, ranging from 0 KiB to 200 KiB. There are three lines, representing the 50th, 75th, and 90th percentiles. The 50th-percentile line drops precipitously from 0 KiB to 50 KiB, declines more gradually from 50 to 100, then increases slightly from 100 to 200. The 90th-percentile line starts much lower but increases slightly to 50 KiB, before declining to 100 and 200. The 75th-percentile line starts lower still, declines to 100 KiB, the increases slightly from 100 to 200.
Figure 4: Percentage increase in TTLB between existing and post-quantum TLS 1.3 connections. Loss = 10%; bandwidth = 1Mbps; RTT = 200ms; TCP initcwnd = 20.
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Figure 4 shows the percentage increase in TTLB between existing and post-quantum TLS 1.3 connections carrying 0-200 KiB of data from the server for each percentile at 1Mbps bandwidth, 200ms RTT, and 10% loss probability. It shows that at 10% loss, the TTLB increase settles between 20-30% for all percentiles. The same experiments for 35ms RTT produced similar results. Although a 20-30% increase may seem high, we note that re-running the experiments could sometimes lead to smaller or higher percentage increases because of the general network instability of the scenario. Also, bear in mind that TTLBs for the existing algorithm at 200KiB from the server, 200ms RTT, and 10% loss were 4,644ms, 7,093ms, and 10,178ms, whereas their post-quantum-connection equivalents were 6,010ms, 8,883ms, and 12,378ms. At 0% loss they were 2,364ms, 2,364ms, and 2,364ms. So, although the TTLBs for the post-quantum connections increased by 20-30% relative to the conventional connections, the conventional connections are already impaired (by 97-331%) due to network loss. An extra 20-30% is not likely to make much difference in an already highly degraded connection time.

A line graph whose y-axis is the time-to-last-byte (TTLB) percentage increase and whose x-axis is the size of the data files transmitted over the secure connection, ranging from 0 KiB to 200 KiB. There are three lines, representing the 50th, 75th, and 90th percentiles. They start at different values but all decline precipitously from 0 KiB to 50 KiB. From 50KiB to 100 KiB, the 75th-percentile line and the 50th-percentile line continue to decline, but the 90th-percentile line increases slightly. All three increase slightly between 100 KiB and 200.
Figure 5: Percentage increase in TTLB between existing and post-quantum TLS 1.3 connections for 0% loss probability under “volatile network” conditions. Bandwidth = 1Gbps; RTT = 35ms; TCP initcwnd = 20.

Figure 5 shows the percentage increase in TTLB between existing and post-quantum TLS 1.3 connections for 0% loss probability and 0-200KiB data sizes transferred from the server. To model a highly volatile RTT, we used a Pareto-normal distribution with a mean of 35ms and 35/4ms jitter. We can see that the increase in post-quantum connection TTLB starts high at 0KiB server data and drops to 4-5%. As with previous experiments, the percentages were more volatile the higher the loss probabilities, but overall, the results show that even under “volatile network conditions” the TTLB drops to acceptable levels as the amount of transferred data increases.

A line graph whose y-axis is the cumulative distribution function (CDF), from 0.0 to 1.0, and whose x-axis is time to last byte (TTLB) in milliseconds. There are five differently colored lines. The first four all have the same round-trip time. Two of them have bandwidth of 1Gbps and two bandwidth of 1Mbps. Within each bandwidth tier, the two lines represent 0% and 5% loss. The fifth line is Pareto-normal round-trip time. The high-bandwidth lines and the Pareto-normal line all begin near the origin. The high-bandwidth, low-loss line is almost vertical, reaching 1.0 almost immediately. The high-bandwidth, high-loss line and Pareto-normal line look like offsets of each other, with the Pareto-normal line increasing at a slightly lower rate; both rise fairly quickly, reaching 0.8 at about 1,000 milliseconds. The low-bandwidth lines both begin at TTLB values of of about 2,000. Again, the low-loss line is almost vertical; the higher-loss line rises at a slower rate.
Figure 6: TTLB cumulative distribution function for post-quantum TLS 1.3 connections. 200KiB from the server; RTT = 35ms; TCP initcwnd = 20.

To confirm the volatility under unstable network conditions, we used the TTLB cumulative distribution function (CDF) for post-quantum TLS 1.3 connections transferring 200KiB from the server (figure 6). We observe that under all types of volatile conditions (1Gbps and 5% loss, 1Mbps and 10% loss, Pareto-normal distributed network delay), the TTLB increases very early in the experimental measurement sample, which demonstrates that the total connection times are highly volatile. We made the same observation with TLS 1.3 handshake times under unstable network conditions.


This work demonstrated that the practical effect of data-heavy, post-quantum algorithms on TLS 1.3 connections is lower than their effect on the handshake itself. Low-loss, low- or high-bandwidth connections will see little impact from post-quantum handshakes when transferring sizable amounts of data. We also showed that although the effects of PQ handshakes could vary under unstable conditions with higher loss rates or high-variability delays, they stay within certain limits and drop as the total amount of transferred data increases. Additionally, we saw that unstable connections inherently provide poor completion times; a small latency increase due to post-quantum handshakes would not render them less usable than before. This does not mean that trimming the amount of handshake data is undesirable, especially if little application data is sent relative to the size of the handshake messages.

For more details, please see our paper.

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The Transportation Data Scientist is responsible for leveraging data analytics and machine learning techniques to gain insights and drive decision-making for transportation-related challenges. This role involves working closely with all miles from transportation, planning areas, and engineering teams to identify, collect, and analyze relevant data to uncover patterns, trends, and predictions that can optimize transportation systems and services. Key job responsibilities Collaborate with cross-functional teams to understand transportation challenges and identify data sources that can provide valuable insights Design and implement data collection, processing, and storage pipelines to gather and manage large-scale transportation data (e.g., traffic sensor data, vehicle telematics, rideshare data, infrastructure utilization, etc.); Develop advanced analytical models and machine learning algorithms to analyze transportation data and generate predictive insights (e.g., demand forecasting, route optimization, infrastructure maintenance planning, etc.) Visualize and present data-driven insights and recommendations to stakeholders, including transportation miles (ATS, AMZL, 3P carriers and Air), operations teams, and decision-makers. Stay up-to-date with the latest trends, technologies, and best practices in transportation data science and analytics; Contribute to the development and improvement of the organization's transportation data strategy and capabilities.
FR, Courbevoie
Amazon launched the Generative AI Innovation Center (GenAIIC) in June 2023 to help AWS customers accelerate the use of generative AI to solve business and operational problems and promote innovation in their organization. This is a team of strategists, data scientists, engineers, and solution architects working step-by-step with customers to build bespoke solutions that harness the power of generative AI.( generative-ai-innovation-center). We’re looking for Data Scientists capable of using generative AI and other techniques to design, evangelize, and implement state-of-the-art solutions for never-before-solved problems. You will work directly with customers and innovate in a fast-paced organization that contributes to game-changing projects and technologies. You will design and run experiments, research new algorithms, and find new ways of optimizing risk, profitability, and customer experience. AWS Sales, Marketing, and Global Services (SMGS) is responsible for driving revenue, adoption, and growth from the largest and fastest growing small- and mid-market accounts to enterprise-level customers including public sector. The AWS Global Support team interacts with leading companies and believes that world-class support is critical to customer success. AWS Support also partners with a global list of customers that are building mission-critical applications on top of AWS services. Key job responsibilities As a Data Scientist, you will - Collaborate with AI/ML scientists, engineers, and architects to research, design, develop, and evaluate cutting-edge generative AI algorithms to address real-world challenges - Interact with customers directly to understand the business problem, help and aid them in implementation of generative AI solutions, deliver briefing and deep dive sessions to customers and guide customer on adoption patterns and paths to production - Create and deliver best practice recommendations, tutorials, blog posts, sample code, and presentations adapted to technical, business, and executive stakeholder - Provide customer and market feedback to Product and Engineering teams to help define product direction About the team The team helps customers imagine and scope the use cases that will create the greatest value for their businesses, select and train or fine tune the right models, define paths to navigate technical or business challenges, develop proof-of-concepts, and make plans for launching solutions at scale. The Generative AI Innovation Center team provides guidance on best practices for applying generative AI responsibly and cost efficiently. Diverse Experiences AWS values diverse experiences. Even if you do not meet all of the qualifications and skills listed in the job description, we encourage candidates to apply. If your career is just starting, hasn’t followed a traditional path, or includes alternative experiences, don’t let it stop you from applying. Why AWS? Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the world’s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud platform. We pioneered cloud computing and never stopped innovating — that’s why customers from the most successful startups to Global 500 companies trust our robust suite of products and services to power their businesses. Inclusive Team Culture Here at AWS, it’s in our nature to learn and be curious. Our employee-led affinity groups foster a culture of inclusion that empower us to be proud of our differences. Ongoing events and learning experiences, including our Conversations on Race and Ethnicity (CORE) and AmazeCon (gender diversity) conferences, inspire us to never stop embracing our uniqueness. Mentorship & Career Growth We’re continuously raising our performance bar as we strive to become Earth’s Best Employer. That’s why you’ll find endless knowledge-sharing, mentorship and other career-advancing resources here to help you develop into a better-rounded professional. Work/Life Balance We value work-life harmony. Achieving success at work should never come at the expense of sacrifices at home, which is why we strive for flexibility as part of our working culture. When we feel supported in the workplace and at home, there’s nothing we can’t achieve in the cloud.
US, WA, Seattle
Are you interested in shaping the future of entertainment? Prime Video's technology teams are creating best-in-class digital video experience. As a Prime Video applied scientist, you’ll have end-to-end ownership of the product, user experience, design, and technology required to deliver state-of-the-art experiences for our customers. You’ll get to work on projects that are fast-paced, challenging, and varied. You’ll also be able to experiment with new possibilities, take risks, and collaborate with remarkable people. We’ll look for you to bring your diverse perspectives, ideas, and skill-sets to make Prime Video even better for our customers. With global opportunities for talented technologists, you can decide where a career Prime Video Tech takes you! We are looking for passionate, hard-working, and talented individuals to help us push the envelope of content localization. We work on a broad array of research areas and applications, including but not limited to multimodal machine translation, speech synthesis, speech analysis, and asset quality assessment. Candidates should be prepared to help drive innovation in one or more areas of machine learning, audio processing, and natural language understanding. Key job responsibilities We are seeking a science leader with deep knowledge of multi-modal content understanding, including Vision Language Models (VLMs) and Multi-Modal Language Models (MMLMs). You will help drive the alignment of Engineering roadmaps to support scientific capabilities, and you will be a voice of future technology for our Product partners. We’ll look for you to bring your diverse perspectives, ideas, and skill-sets to make Prime Video even better for our customers. With global opportunities for talented technologists, you can decide where a career Prime Video Tech takes you! For examples of our work, please see a selection of our publications from ECCV, ICCV and ICLR: • • • About the team Prime Video is a first-stop entertainment destination offering customers a vast collection of premium programming in one app available across thousands of devices. On Prime Video, customers can find their favorite movies, series, documentaries, and live sports – including Amazon MGM Studios-produced series and movies Road House, The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power, Fallout, Reacher, The Boys, and The Idea of You; licensed fan favorites Dawson’s Creek and IF; Prime member exclusive access to coverage of live sports including Thursday Night Football, WNBA, and NWSL, and acclaimed sports documentaries including Bye Bye Barry and Federer; and programming from partners such as Apple TV+, Max, Crunchyroll, and MGM+ via Prime Video add-on subscriptions, as well as more than 500 free ad-supported (FAST) Channels. Prime members in the U.S. can share a variety of benefits, including Prime Video, by using Amazon Household. Prime Video is one benefit among many that provides savings, convenience, and entertainment as part of the Prime membership. All customers, regardless of whether they have a Prime membership or not, can rent or buy titles, including blockbusters such as Challengers and The Fall Guy, via the Prime Video Store, and can enjoy content such as Jury Duty and Bosch: Legacy free with ads on Freevee. Customers can also go behind the scenes of their favorite movies and series with exclusive X-Ray access. For more info visit