How Project P.I. helps Amazon remove imperfect products

A combination of generative AI and computer vision imaging tunnels is helping Amazon proactively improve the customer experience.

Although there are hundreds of millions of products stored in Amazon fulfillment centers, it’s very rare for customers to report shipped products as damaged. However, Amazon’s culture of customer obsession means that teams are actively working to find and remove even that relatively small number of imperfect products before they’re delivered to customers.

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One of those teams includes scientists who are using generative AI and computer vision, powered by AWS services such as Amazon Bedrock and Amazon SageMaker, to help spot, isolate, and remove imperfect items.

Inside Amazon fulfillment centers across North America, products ranging from dog food and phone cases to T-shirts and books pass through imaging tunnels for a wide variety of uses, including sorting products based on their intended destination. Those use cases have been extended to include the use of artificial intelligence to inspect individual items for defects.

For example, optical character recognition (OCR) — the process that converts an image of text into a machine-readable text format — checks expiration dates on product packaging to ensure expired items are not sent to customers. Computer vision (CV) models — trained with reference images from the product catalog and actual images of products sent to customers — pore over color and monochrome images for signs of product damage such as bent book covers.

Amaozn Science Project P.I. Private Investigator

Additionally, a recent breakthrough solution leverages the ability of generative AI to process multimodal information by synthesizing evidence from images captured during the Amazon fulfillment process and combining it with written customer feedback to trigger even faster corrective actions.

This effort, referred to collectively as Project P.I., which stands for “private investigator”, encompasses the team’s vision of using a detective-like toolset to uncover both defects and, wherever possible, their cause — to address the issue at its root before a product reaches the customer.

"We want to equip ourselves with the most powerful, scalable tools and levers to help us protect our customers’ trust,” said Pingping Shan, director of perfect order experience at Amazon.

Defect detection

Project P.I. is an outgrowth of Amazon’s product quality program, and the tools and systems developed by the team’s scientists include machine learning models that assist selling partners with listing products with accurate information.

“The product quality team is constantly looking for ways to both reduce the burden on the sellers and to proactively verify the condition of inventory in fulfillment centers,” Shan said.

An early solution was an OCR model that checks the labeling information when inventory arrives and compares that to the information in Amazon’s database. If a mismatches occurs — such as a pallet of dog food with an earlier sell-by date than the date in the database — the team can isolate and inspect the pallet and prevent any expired products from reaching the customer.

When an item-level defect is detected, Amazon takes several steps to resolve the issue, including investigating whether the item is one in a defective batch and, if so, isolating the batch from the rest of the items, explained Angela Ke, a senior product manager.

“We want to make sure that customers don’t have to experience issues with product quality. That’s really the vision of Project P.I.,” she said. “We want to get it right for customers the first time, so we want to inspect the products before they leave our fulfillment center, and we incorporate AI to streamline the workflow.”

Customer feedback aids model training

Despite the team’s best efforts, sometimes product quality issues only become known after an item has been delivered to customers, noted Mark Ma, a principal product manager. Those arise in cases where customers have filed a return noting the issue. In those instances, the team tracks down the batch the product came from, verifies the issue, removes those items from fulfillment center shelves, issues refunds, and communicates the issue to the seller.

“We know that that correcting the defects after they happen is not the best way to protect and improve the customer experience. That’s why we started exploring what kind of data we can gather further upstream,” he said. Those discussions eventually led to leveraging the tunnel images to better identify products with defects and take surgical and proactive action to address them — before they’re packaged and shipped.

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One of the early challenges with that approach entailed training CV models to correctly identify defects, noted Vincent Gao, a senior science manager on the product quality team.

“It’s like finding a needle in a haystack,” he said. “We needed a model that could accurately identify those among all the other normal products. Otherwise, we could be finding a lot of false positives making the fulfillment process inefficient.”

Gao’s team turned to an ensemble approach that combines self-supervised models with supervised transformer models —a neural-network architecture that uses attention mechanisms to improve performance on machine learning tasks — to spot the difference between normal and defective items. By learning what the “correct” product looks like from fulfillment center images associated with normal orders, the model can compare an item on its way to be packaged against its “normal” image and provide a measurement of how much it differs.

This approach allowed the team to more reliably spot obvious product defects, such as a book with a torn cover or an empty canister of tennis balls, yet it still couldn’t account for some of the fine grain details like a mislabeled T-shirt size or bent box.

To achieve that, the team turned to customer feedback to help train a variety of ML models that can spot the difference between normal and defective items. This more detailed, labeled data was used to refine the model to detect the types of defects customers notice.

“Using that, we are able to be more targeted on the areas that we want to identify so that we can enable the models to learn more on those finer details,” Gao said.

Leveraging generative AI

Today, the science team is leveraging breakthroughs in generative AI to make product defect detection more scalable and robust. For example, the team launched a multimodal large language model (MLLM) that’s been trained to identify damage such as broken seals, torn boxes, and bent book covers, and report in plain language the damage it detects.

The LLM is working side-by-side with the visual language model to analyze data from different sources and modalities to help us make a decision.
Vincent Gao

“We use the MLLM to ingest and understand the images from fulfillment centers to identify damage patters with zero-shot learning capability — meaning the model can recognize something it has not seen in training. That is a significant plus when it comes to identifying damage patterns given their vast variation,” Ma explained. “Then we use the model to summarize common damage patterns, which enable us to work more upstream with our selling partners and manufactures to proactively address these issues.”

With traditional CV technologies, a model would be trained for each damage scenario – broken seal, torn box, etc. – Gao said, resulting in an unscalable ensemble of dozens to hundreds of models. The MLLM, on the other hand, is a single and scalable unified solution.

“That’s the new power we now have on top of the classic computer vision,” Shan said.

The Project P.I. team has also recently put into production a generative AI system that uses an MLLM to investigate the root cause of negative customer experiences. The system first reviews customer feedback about the issue and then analyzes product images collected by the tunnels and other data sources to confirm the root cause.

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For example, if a customer contacts Amazon because they ordered twin-size sheets but received king-size, the generative AI system cross-references that feedback with fulfillment center images. The system will ask questions such as, “Is the product label visible in the image?” “Does the label read king or twin?”

The system’s vision-language model in turn looks at the images, extracts the text from the label, and answers the questions. The LLM converts the answers into a plainspoken summary of the investigation.

“The LLM is working side-by-side with the visual language model to analyze data from different sources and modalities to help us make a decision,” said Gao. “We can actually have the LLM trigger the vision-language model to finish all the different verification tasks.”

Proof of concept in the fulfillment center

Since May 2022, the product quality team has been rolling out their item-level product defect detection solutions using imaging tunnels at several fulfillment centers in North America.

The results have been promising. The system has proven itself adept at sorting through the millions of items that pass through the tunnels each month and accurately identifying both expired items and issues such as wrong color or size.

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In the future, the team aims to implement near real-time product defect detection with local image processing. In this scenario, defective items could be pulled off the conveyor belt and a replacement item automatically ordered, thus eliminating disruptions to the fulfillment process.

“Ultimately, we want to be behind the scenes. We don’t need our customers to know this is going on,” said Keiko Akashi, a senior manager of product management at Amazon. “The customer should be getting a perfect order and not even know that the expired or damaged item existed.”

Sidelining defective items will also result in fewer returns, which has an added sustainability benefit, noted Gao.

“We want to intercept the wrong items or defective items,” he said. “That translates to less back and forth shipping overhead, while also delivering a better customer experience.”

New avenues for investigation

Seamless integration of these solutions across the Amazon fulfillment center network will require refinements to the AI models such as the ability to parse a potential misperception of a defect from an actual defect. For example, a “manufactured on” date might be conflated with an “expiration” date or sneakers that arrive without a shoebox are the wrong item instead of a step to reduce packaging, noted Ke.

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What’s more, there are challenges adapting CV models to the unique nuances of each fulfillment center and region, such as the size and color of the totes used to convey items around fulfillment centers, and the ability to extract data across a multitude of languages.

“There’s a lot of information that’s written in words,” Ke explained. “So how do we make sure that the model is picking up the right language and translating it correctly? That’s another challenge our science team is trying to solve.”

As the team has gone down this road, they’ve amassed data that shows the defects sometimes are the result of what happens outside of Amazon’s fulfillment centers.

“It could have been a carrier issue,” noted Akashi. “When customers say, ‘Hey, it came damaged,’ we can look into our outbound images and see that nothing has gone wrong. Then we can go figure out what else is going on.”

The team also plans to make data on defects more easily accessible to selling partners, Akashi added. For example, if Amazon discovered a seller accidentally put stickers with the wrong size on a product, Amazon would communicate the issue to help prevent the error from happening again.

“There’s an opportunity to get this information in front of our selling partners so they have visibility to their own inventory, and they can also have more succinct root causes to why these returns are happening,” she explained. “We’re excited that the data that we’re gathering and the AI models we are creating will benefit our customers and selling partners."

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US, VA, Arlington
Come be a part of a rapidly expanding $25 billion-dollar global business! At Amazon Business (AB), we set out every day to innovate and disrupt the status quo. We stand at the intersection of tech and retail in the B2B space developing innovative purchasing and procurement solutions to help businesses and organizations reimagine buying. Bring your insight, imagination and a healthy disregard for the impossible. Join us in building and celebrating the value of Amazon Business to buyers and sellers of all sizes, unlocking our potential worldwide Key job responsibilities We are looking for a Sales Operations Leader – Data Science and Intelligence who will: • Lead the Sales Operations Intelligence Team – a cross-functional team of data scientists, engineers and operations managers. • Hire, Grow and Develop top tier operations, science and engineering talent. • Apply business judgement to identify opportunities and develop science strategies • Support Senior Leadership with all Sales Operations Intelligence strategy, and guidance, and run the management cadence for the business. • Collaborate on the design, development, maintenance, and delivery/presentation of predictive models, metrics, reports, analyses, and dashboards to drive key business decisions. • Work with leaders, partner teams, and finance to lead the annual quota, goals, budgeting, and ongoing forecasting processes. • Lead the development of routine and ad-hoc analytic reports to senior management regarding Business Development initiatives, customer segment performance, performance against goals, etc. • Ensure leadership reports include business insight for decision-making and minimize overall report burden. • Lead the modeling and development of recommendations for go-to-market execution. • Maintain thorough knowledge of existing and emerging 3rd party data sources as needed for analytics. • Responsible for the cycle of creating and posting content, iterating based on feedback, and reinforcing in Senior Leadership events (written and verbal). • Focus on seller experience to ensure programs are tailored to meet varied tenure, industry, and development requirements. • Support regular cadence of feedback and reviews of initiatives with sales leaders and managers **The preferred location for this position is Arlington, VA (HQ2). A day in the life The ideal candidate for this role is someone who builds the operational capabilities for Amazon Business sales by developing and implementing programs, tools and analytics to increase sales productivity. This role leads four pillars Sales Operations, Data Optimization & Modernization, Business Solutions & Support, and Intelligence, Design, Execution, and Automation. This role provides oversight as the “COO of Sales” and provides dedicated support with operational mechanisms, ad hoc projects/analysis, managing the sales pipeline, business reviews, account segmentation, and tools/systems improvements. This role leads CPS-wide seller productivity and customer segmentation. This role also builds simplified yet comprehensive datasets with dynamic dashboards to power self-service analytics and automated reporting which includes a global data model. For Business Solutions and Support, this role manages first-party (1P) and third-party (3P) Sales Tools and Sales Planning, which creates predictive growth forecasts for sales territories across North America. These models will directly inform incentive programs and performance measurement. About the team Amazon Business represents an incredible opportunity to address a vast new market segment and customer base. We are focused on building solutions that enable businesses to find, research, and buy products and services from a vast selection, across multiple devices, marketplaces and regions. Our customers include all types of businesses ranging from individual professionals to small businesses to large institutions (and everything in between). Our business customers have different needs than the traditional Amazon customers so we are reinventing everything from how we display our selection, price our products, and provide the right customer experience.
US, MA, North Reading
*Amazon Robotics* Are you inspired by invention? Is problem solving through teamwork in your DNA? Do you like the idea of seeing how your work impacts the bigger picture? Answer yes to any of these and you’ll fit right in here at Amazon Robotics. We are a collaborative, smart team of doers that work passionately to apply cutting edge advances in robotics and software to solve real-world challenges that will transform our customers’ experiences in ways we can’t even imagine yet. We invent new improvements every day. We are Amazon Robotics and we will give you the tools and support you need to invent with us in ways that are rewarding, fulfilling, and fun. *Our Team* The Amazon Robotics Storage Analytics team discovers insights in vast and varied robotic data to help our engineering teams understand how their technologies operate across Amazon’s network of fulfillment warehouses. We collaborate with designers, software and hardware engineers, and operations teams to understand product requirements, make feature trade-offs, design, and operate new applications of Amazon Robotics Storage technology. We conduct relevant, insightful analysis and communicate the results through white papers and presentations. Our methods are inclusive of design of experiments, statistical modeling, machine learning, financial analysis, and data visualization. *What You Will Do* You will collaborate cross-functionally with engineering teams, program managers, and leaders throughout the organization to deliver projects aimed at characterizing and improving the performance of new robotic automation technology in Amazon's network of warehouses. In this role, you will use a combination of unified and disparate data sources to uncover insights delivered through decision-driving analytics white-papers and automated data visualizations to influence the development and deployment of cutting edge robotic technology. You will collaborate with Data Engineers, Software, Hardware, Leadership, Systems Architects and Program Managers to define and deliver world class robotics technologies, analytics tools, and insights to shape the robotic technology landscape. *What We Are Looking For* An enthusiastic data science professional with a passion for delivering business influencing analysis, papers, and recommendations to deeply complex and ambiguous problems. A practiced data scientists, who uses data engineering, statistics, data visualization, and data science to influence decision making in cross-functional organizations. We are seeking an individual who can think holistically through compound problems to understand how systems work together to define and execute projects which drive improvements to robotic architecture or design. *Inclusive Team Culture* Here at Amazon, we embrace our differences. We are committed to furthering our culture of inclusion. We have 12 affinity groups (employee resource groups) with more than 87,000 employees across hundreds of chapters around the world. We have innovative benefit offerings, and host annual and ongoing learning experiences, including our Conversations on Race and Ethnicity (CORE) and AmazeCon (gender diversity) conferences. Amazon’s culture of inclusion is reinforced within our 14 Leadership Principles, which reminds team members to seek diverse perspectives, learn and be curious, and earn trust. *Flexibility* It isn’t about which hours you spend at home or at work; it’s about the flow you establish that brings energy to both parts of your life. We offer flexibility and encourage you to find your own balance between your work and personal lives. *Mentorship & Career Growth* We care about your career growth too. Whether your goals are to explore new technologies, take on bigger opportunities, or get to the next level, we'll help you get there. Our business is growing fast and our people will grow with it. A day in the life Amazon offers a full range of benefits that support you and eligible family members, including domestic partners and their children. Benefits can vary by location, the number of regularly scheduled hours you work, length of employment, and job status such as seasonal or temporary employment. The benefits that generally apply to regular, full-time employees include: 1. Medical, Dental, and Vision Coverage 2. Maternity and Parental Leave Options 3. Paid Time Off (PTO) 4. 401(k) Plan If you are not sure that every qualification on the list above describes you exactly, we'd still love to hear from you! At Amazon, we value people with unique backgrounds, experiences, and skillsets. If you’re passionate about this role and want to make an impact on a global scale, please apply!
US, WA, Bellevue
Are you excited about developing generative AI and foundation models to revolutionize automation, robotics and computer vision? Are you looking for opportunities to build and deploy them on real problems at truly vast scale? At Amazon Fulfillment Technologies and Robotics we are on a mission to build high-performance autonomous systems that perceive and act to further improve our world-class customer experience - at Amazon scale. We are looking for scientists, engineers and program managers for a variety of roles. This role will manage computer vision scientists on the AFT-AI team. They will manage scientists involved in a number of impactful, cross-org programs, including Foundation Models to support item understanding and robotic manipulation. This includes building multi-modal models and building computer vision systems able to reason about sequences of images or video taken of a scene. It includes using machine learning to understand placement of objects, decision-making and several kinds of defect detection. In addition, the work the scientists do will support a variety of business use cases in our fulfillment centers, which requires prototyping initial solutions, later leveraged for production systems at global scale. Key job responsibilities - Manage team of scientists working on computer vision solutions - Work with the team to provide the best solutions for given problems - Plan roadmap, long term vision for the team - Communicate progress to stakeholders - Hire and develop the career of individual scientists A day in the life Amazon offers a full range of benefits that support you and eligible family members, including domestic partners and their children. Benefits can vary by location, the number of regularly scheduled hours you work, length of employment, and job status such as seasonal or temporary employment. The benefits that generally apply to regular, full-time employees include: 1. Medical, Dental, and Vision Coverage 2. Maternity and Parental Leave Options 3. Paid Time Off (PTO) 4. 401(k) Plan If you are not sure that every qualification on the list above describes you exactly, we'd still love to hear from you! At Amazon, we value people with unique backgrounds, experiences, and skillsets. If you’re passionate about this role and want to make an impact on a global scale, please apply! About the team The AFT AI team has deep expertise developing cutting edge AI solutions at scale and successfully applying them to business problems in the Amazon Fulfillment Network. These solutions typically utilize machine learning and computer vision techniques, applied to text, sequences of events, images or video from existing or new hardware. We influence each stage of innovation from inception to deployment, developing a research plan, creating and testing prototype solutions, and shepherding the production versions to launch.
CN, Shanghai
AWS Utility Computing (UC) provides product innovations — from foundational services such as Amazon’s Simple Storage Service (S3) and Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), to consistently released new product innovations that continue to set AWS’s services and features apart in the industry. As a member of the UC organization, you’ll support the development and management of Compute, Database, Storage, Internet of Things (Iot), Platform, and Productivity Apps services in AWS, including support for customers who require specialized security solutions for their cloud services. AWS AI/ML is looking for world class scientists and engineers to join its AI Research and Education group working on foundation models, large-scale representation learning, and distributed learning methods and systems. At AWS AI/ML you will invent, implement, and deploy state of the art machine learning algorithms and systems. You will build prototypes and innovate on new representation learning solutions. You will interact closely with our customers and with the academic and research communities. You will be at the heart of a growing and exciting focus area for AWS and work with other acclaimed engineers and world famous scientists. Large-scale foundation models have been the powerhouse in many of the recent advancements in computer vision, natural language processing, automatic speech recognition, recommendation systems, and time series modeling. Developing such models requires not only skillful modeling in individual modalities, but also understanding of how to synergistically combine them, and how to scale the modeling methods to learn with huge models and on large datasets. Join us to work as an integral part of a team that has diverse experiences in this space. We actively work on these areas: * Hardware-informed efficient model architecture, training objective and curriculum design * Distributed training, accelerated optimization methods * Continual learning, multi-task/meta learning * Reasoning, interactive learning, reinforcement learning * Robustness, privacy, model watermarking * Model compression, distillation, pruning, sparsification, quantization About the team Diverse Experiences AWS values diverse experiences. Even if you do not meet all of the qualifications and skills listed in the job description, we encourage candidates to apply. If your career is just starting, hasn’t followed a traditional path, or includes alternative experiences, don’t let it stop you from applying. Why AWS? Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the world’s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud platform. We pioneered cloud computing and never stopped innovating — that’s why customers from the most successful startups to Global 500 companies trust our robust suite of products and services to power their businesses. Inclusive Team Culture Here at AWS, it’s in our nature to learn and be curious. Our employee-led affinity groups foster a culture of inclusion that empower us to be proud of our differences. Ongoing events and learning experiences, including our Conversations on Race and Ethnicity (CORE) and AmazeCon (gender diversity) conferences, inspire us to never stop embracing our uniqueness. Mentorship & Career Growth We’re continuously raising our performance bar as we strive to become Earth’s Best Employer. That’s why you’ll find endless knowledge-sharing, mentorship and other career-advancing resources here to help you develop into a better-rounded professional. Work/Life Balance We value work-life harmony. Achieving success at work should never come at the expense of sacrifices at home, which is why we strive for flexibility as part of our working culture. When we feel supported in the workplace and at home, there’s nothing we can’t achieve in the cloud.