A non-contrastive learning framework for sequential recommendation with preference preserving profile generation
Contrastive Learning (CL) proves to be effective for learning generalizable user representations in Sequential Recommendation (SR), but it suffers from high computational costs due to its reliance on negative samples. To overcome this limitation, we propose the first Non-Contrastive Learning (NCL) framework for SR, which eliminates computational overhead of identifying and generating negative samples. However, without negative samples, it is challenging to learn uniform representations from only positive samples, which is prone to representation collapse. Furthermore, the alignment of the learned representations may be substantially compromised because existing ad-hoc augmentations can produce positive samples that have inconsistent user preferences. To tackle these challenges, we design a novel preference-preserving profile generation method to produce high-quality positive samples for non-contrastive training. Inspired by differential privacy, our approach creates augmented user profiles that exhibit high diversity while provably retaining consistent user preferences. With larger diversity and consistency of the positive samples, our NCL framework significantly enhances the alignment and uniformity of the learned representations, which contributes to better generalization. The experimental results on various benchmark datasets and model architectures demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. Finally, our investigations reveal that both uniformity and alignment play a vital role in improving generalization for SR. Interestingly, in our data-sparse setting, alignment is usually more important than uniformity.