Fine-grained robust prosody transfer for single-speaker neural text-to-speech

By Viacheslav Klimkov, Srikanth Ronanki, Jonas Rohnke, Thomas Drugman
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We present a neural text-to-speech system for fine-grained prosody transfer from one speaker to another. Conventional approaches for end-to-end prosody transfer typically use either fixed-dimensional or variable-length prosody embedding via a secondary attention to encode the reference signal. How-ever, when trained on a single-speaker dataset, the conventional prosody transfer systems are not robust enough to speaker vary-ability, especially in the case of a reference signal coming from an unseen speaker. Therefore, we propose decoupling of the reference signal alignment from the overall system. For this purpose, we pre-compute phoneme-level time stamps and use them to aggregate prosodic features per phoneme, injecting them into a sequence-to-sequence text-to-speech system. We incorporate a variation auto-encoder to further enhance the la-tent representation of prosody embedding’s. We show that our proposed approach is significantly more stable and achieves re-liable prosody transplantation from an unseen speaker. We also propose a solution to the use case in which the transcription of the reference signal is absent. We evaluate all our proposed methods using both objective and subjective listening tests. Index Terms: Neural text-to-speech, sequence-to-sequence, prosody transfer.
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