HAL3D: Hierarchical active learning for fine-grained 3D part labeling
We present the first active learning tool for fine-grained 3D part labeling, a problem which challenges even the most advanced deep learning (DL) methods due to the significant structural variations among the intricate parts. For the same reason, the necessary effort to annotate training data is tremendous, motivating approaches to minimize human involvement. Our labeling tool iteratively verifies or modifies part labels predicted by a deep neural network, with human feedback continually improving the network prediction. To effectively reduce human efforts, we develop two novel features in our tool, hierarchical and symmetry-aware active labeling. Our human-in-the-loop approach, coined HAL3D, achieves close to error-free fine-grained annotations on any test set with pre-defined hierarchical part labels, with 80% time-saving over manual effort. We will release the finely labeled models to serve the community.
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