MEMENTO: Neural model for estimating individual treatment effects for multiple treatments
Learning individual level treatment effects from observational data is a problem of growing interest. For instance, inferring the effect of delivery promises on purchase of products on an e-commerce site or selecting the most effective treatment for a specific patient. Although the scenarios where we want to estimate the treatment effects in presence of multiple treatments is quite common in real life, most existing works related to individual treatment effect (ITE) are focused primarily on binary treatments and do not have a natural extension to the multi-treatment scenarios. In this paper we present MEMENTO – a methodology and a framework to estimate individual treatment effect for multi-treatment scenarios, where the treatments are discrete and finite. Our approach is based on obtaining matching representations of the confounders for the various treatment types. This is achieved through minimization of an upper bound on the sum of factual and counterfactual losses. Experiments on real and semi-synthetic datasets show that MEMENTO is able to outperform known techniques for multi-treatment scenarios by close to 10% in certain use-cases. The proposed framework has been deployed for the problem of identifying minimum order quantity of a product in Amazon in an emerging marketplace and has resulted in a 4.7% reduction in shipping costs as proved from an A/B experiment.
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