NeurIPS 20232023Transformers are central in modern natural language processing and computer vision applications. Despite recent works devoted to reducing the quadratic cost of such models (as a function of the sequence length), dealing with ultra long sequences (e.g., with more than 16K tokens) remains challenging. Applications such as answering questions based on a book or summarizing a scientific article are inefficient
EMNLP 20232023While most task-oriented dialogues assume conversations between the agent and one user at a time, dialogue systems are increasingly expected to communicate with multiple users simultaneously who make decisions collaboratively. To facilitate development of such systems, we release the Multi-User MultiWOZ dataset: task-oriented dialogues among two users and one agent. To collect this dataset, each user utterance
EMNLP 20232023Studies in bias and fairness in natural language processing have primarily examined social biases within a single language and/or across few attributes (e.g. gender, race). However, biases can manifest differently across various languages for individual attributes. As a result, it is critical to examine biases within each language and attribute. Of equal importance is to study how these biases compare across
EMNLP 2023 Eighth Conference on Machine Translation (WMT23)2023Neural metrics trained on human evaluations of MT tend to correlate well with human judgments, but their behavior is not fully understood. In this paper, we perform a controlled experiment and compare a baseline metric that has not been trained on human evaluations (Prism) to a trained version of the same metric (Prism+FT). Surprisingly, we find that Prism+FT becomes more robust to machinetranslated references
NeurIPS 20232023This study focuses on the evaluation of the Open Question Answering (Open-QA) task, which can directly estimate the factuality of large language models (LLMs). Current automatic evaluation methods have shown limitations, indicating that human evaluation still remains the most reliable approach. We introduce a new task, Evaluating QA Evaluation (QA-Eval) and the corresponding dataset EVOUNA, designed to
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February 27, 2019To ensure that Alexa Prize contestants can concentrate on dialogue systems — the core technology of socialbots — Amazon scientists and engineers built a set of machine learning modules that handle fundamental conversational tasks and a development environment that lets contestants easily mix and match existing modules with those of their own design.
January 31, 2019This Sunday's Super Bowl between the New England Patriots and the Los Angeles Rams is expected to draw more than 100 million viewers, some of whom will have Alexa-enabled devices within range of their TV speakers. When Amazon's new Alexa ad airs, and Forest Whitaker asks his Alexa-enabled electric toothbrush to play his podcast, how will we prevent viewers’ devices from mistakenly waking up?
January 30, 2019Many of today’s most popular AI systems are, at their core, classifiers. They classify inputs into different categories: this image is a picture of a dog, not a cat; this audio signal is an instance of the word “Boston”, not the word “Seattle”; this sentence is a request to play a video, not a song. But what happens if you need to add a new class to your classifier — if, say, someone releases a new type of automated household appliance that your smart-home system needs to be able to control?
January 24, 2019Machine learning systems often act on “features” extracted from input data. In a natural-language-understanding system, for instance, the features might include words’ parts of speech, as assessed by an automatic syntactic parser, or whether a sentence is in the active or passive voice.
January 22, 2019Developing a new natural-language-understanding system usually requires training it on thousands of sample utterances, which can be costly and time-consuming to collect and annotate. That’s particularly burdensome for small developers, like many who have contributed to the library of more than 70,000 third-party skills now available for Alexa.
Projection image adapted from Michael Horvath under the CC BY-SA 4.0 licenseJanuary 15, 2019Neural networks have been responsible for most of the top-performing AI systems of the past decade, but they tend to be big, which means they tend to be slow. That’s a problem for systems like Alexa, which depend on neural networks to process spoken requests in real time.