ACL 20232023User Satisfaction Modeling (USM) is one of the popular choices for task-oriented dialogue systems evaluation, where user satisfaction typically depends on whether the user’s task goals were fulfilled by the system. Task-oriented dialogue systems use task schema, which is a set of task attributes, to encode the user’s task goals. Existing studies on USM neglect explicitly modeling the user’s task goals fulfillment
ACL 2023 Workshop on Lexical and Computational Semantics and Semantic Evaluation2023We present the findings of SemEval-2023 Task 2 on Fine-grained Multilingual Named Entity Recognition (MULTICONER 2).1 Divided into 13 tracks, the task focused on methods to identify complex fine-grained named entities (like WRITTENWORK, VEHICLE, MUSICALGRP) across 12 languages, in both monolingual and multilingual scenarios, as well as noisy settings. The task used the MULTICONER V2 dataset, composed of
ECIR 20232023Graph Convolutional Networks have recently shown state-of-the-art performance for collaborative filtering-based recommender systems. However, many systems use a pure user-item bipartite interaction graph, ignoring available additional information about the items and users. This paper proposes an effective and general method, TextGCN, that utilizes rich textual information about the graph nodes, specifically
ACL Findings 20232023There has been great progress in unifying various table-to-text tasks using a single encoder-decoder model trained via multi-task learning (Xie et al., 2022). However, existing methods typically encode task information with a simple dataset name as a prefix to the encoder. This not only limits the effectiveness of multitask learning, but also hinders the model’s ability to generalize to new domains or tasks
ACL Findings 20232023Code-mixing is ubiquitous in multilingual societies, which makes it vital to build models for code-mixed data to power human language interfaces. Existing multilingual transformer models trained on pure corpora lack the ability to intermix words of one language into the structure of another. These models are also not robust to orthographic variations. We propose CoMix1, a pre-training approach to improve
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