AAAI 2025 Workshop on AI for Social Impact2025To the best of our knowledge, this work introduces the first framework for clustering longitudinal data by leveraging time-dependent causal representation learning. Clustering longitudinal data has gained significant attention across various fields, yet traditional methods often overlook the causal structures underlying observed patterns. Understanding how covariates influence outcomes is critical for policymakers
2023 Conference on Digital Experimentation @ MIT (CODE@MIT), NeurIPS 20242024This paper introduces the confounded pure exploration transductive linear bandit (CPET-LB) problem. As a motivating example, often online services cannot directly assign users to specific control or treatment experiences either for business or practical reasons. In these settings, naively comparing treatment and control groups that may result from self-selection can lead to biased estimates of underlying
2024 Conference on Digital Experimentation @ MIT (CODE@MIT)2024There are different reasons why experimenters may want to randomize their experiment at a region level. In some cases, treatments cannot be turned on or off at the individual level, therefore requiring randomization at a group level, for which regions can be a good candidate. In other cases, experimenters may worry about network effects or other types of spillovers within a geographic area, and opt to randomize
2024 Conference on Digital Experimentation @ MIT (CODE@MIT)2024Online sites typically evaluate the impact of new product features on customer behavior using online controlled experiments (or A/B tests). For many business applications, it is important to detect heterogeneity in these experiments [1], as new features often have a differential impact by customer segment, product group, and other variables. Understanding heterogeneity can provide key insights into causal
2024 Conference on Digital Experimentation @ MIT (CODE@MIT)2024Many data-driven companies measure the impact of product groups and allocate resources across them based 2 on the estimated impacts of features they launch via A/B tests. In this doc, we show that, when based on a standard 3 frequentist estimator of the impact of features, this practice can significantly overstate the impact of product groups and 4 distort the allocation of resources. When this practice
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